Parish Council Challenges Footpath Closure

There is only one public right of way (PROW) in Hunts Grove and it has officially been closed since 2018!

The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the footpath that runs through Hunts Grove will be fully open from this month.

The footpath runs from the M5 footbridge crossing, through what will be the Phase 2 major public open space and leaves the site just behind the new Marconi Drive development.

The path, which locals have named “the yellow brick road”, has been closed since September 2018 when a temporary six-month closure notice was applied for by Crest Nicholson.

Several extensions to the closure meant the path was to remain closed until October 3rd, 2021. As the path was still barricaded, Parish Councillors investigated the situation with Crest Nicholson and the PROW officers at Gloucestershire County Council.

Crest Nicholson applied for a further extension to the closure and the Parish Council objected on the basis that it has already been closed far too long.

The County Council officer arranged a meeting on site with Crest Nicholson to check the situation and discuss, with the result that Crest now say they can safely carry out the planned works around the footpath without closing it off. Therefore they have been asked to remove the fencing as soon as possible.

The only public right of way in Hunts Grove!