Parish Council Team

Meet our team of hard-working, dedicated Councillors and the Hunts Grove Parish Council staff who support them.

Register of Interests can be found on the Stroud District Council website: register of interests link

>>> District, County, MP Representatives - continue scrolling!

Cllr Adam Hampson

Chair of the Council

Specific Responsibilities at HGPC:

Trees & Ecology Lead, Footpaths and Rights of Way, Open Spaces, Neighbourhood Warden Liaison

Adam was first elected to HGPC in May 2021 following elections and the Community Governance Review that formed the new council. From 2019 he served with the Hunts Grove Residents Association and also spent two years serving as a councillor with the nearby Hardwicke Parish Council.

Adam lives in Phase 2 of the village and moved here from Quedgeley in 2019.

Cllr Demelza Turner-Wilkes

Vice Chair of the Council

Specific Responsibilities at HGPC:

Finance, Safety Inspections, Sports Group Champion, Business Liaison, Parish Representative for Community Liaison Group Javelin Park

Demelza was first elected to HGPC in May 2021 following elections and the Community Governance Review that formed the new council. In 2017 she was a founder member of the Hunts Grove Residents Association and also spent four years serving as a councillor with the nearby Hardwicke Parish Council. Demelza served as Chair of the Parish Council 2023-24, having previously served as Vice Chair.

Demelza lives in Phase 1 of the village and moved here in 2013.

Cllr Sandra Meecham

Specific Responsibilities at HGPC:

Finance, Community Groups Champion, Hunts Grove Wombles Coordinator

Sandra was co-opted to HGPC in June 2021 following elections and the Community Governance Review that formed the new council, and was elected in May 2024.

Sandra lives in Phase 2 of the village and this is her second home living at Hunts Grove, having originally moved from Haresfield in 2015. 

In 1976 I accompanied my husband on his African Contracts living in Zambia and Nigeria for 8 years. On my return from Africa, I studied Accountancy and qualified as a member of AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians).  I was a management Accountant for the NHS.

After two appointments in Private Companies as a Costing Consultant specialising in the NHS, I set up a company called, Public Sector Costing Associates Limited (PSCAL).  The company sold 10 years later at which time I retired.

I have a daughter, a stepdaughter and son, and 6 grandchildren.

I was co-opted to Hunts Grove Parish Council in 2021.  My role, (besides being on the Financial working group), is intended to be community-based, I have organised regular litter picks around the village and am very involved with the ongoing organisation of community events.


Cllr Kevin Thorne

Kevin and his partner moved to Hunts Grove from Cheltenham in summer 2021 and live in Phase 3. He was co-opted onto the council in October 2022 and retained his seat at the May 2024 election.

Among other things, Kevin has helped with community events, run the project to name our open spaces, liaised with Crest on sustainable travel planning for Hunts Grove as part of the extension, and been heavily involved with preparing the parish council's input on planning applications.

Kevin is really keen to hear views, ideas and concerns from fellow residents, including those on Phase 3. So please get in touch.

Cllr Tracy Cooper

Tracy was elected to the Parish Council in May 2024. Tracy and her family moved from Hampshire to Hunts Grove in 2021. She has two boys who both go to local schools. Tracy begun volunteering with HGPC as a way to integrate into the community and meet local people. She's been involved with helping to organise the jubilee events, music festival and more recently the Santa Dash. Seeing how hard and passionate the current councillors are to serve the community she decided to make the full commitment and stand as a parish councillor this May. 

Tracy looks forward to getting more involved in the future.

Cllr Nimo Hussein

Nimo was first elected to the Parish Council in May 2024.

"Community engagement has always been an integral part of my life, and I'm thrilled to continue giving back to my community through this new role. Growing up in a small village in the Netherlands, I experienced firsthand the beauty of close-knit communities where parents and neighbours looked out for one another, allowing children to play freely and safe. From setting up charities at a young age to helping build a playground in Uganda, community work and giving to charity has always been close to my heart. I hope to keep those values alive through my work on the council and pass them on to future generations."




Parish Council Employees

Sarah Bodmer

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Sarah joined HGPC in November 2023 as our Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.  The Parish Clerk is the Council’s Proper Officer and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all the functions required by law of a local authority, including serving statutory notifications, advising the Council to enable evidence-based decision-making, and implementing decisions. The post holder is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer. 

Contact Us


Stroud District Council 

Mark Andrew Ryder

District Councillor

Elected: Thursday, May 2, 2024

First Elected: Thursday, May 6, 2021

Party: Conservatives

Ward: Hardwicke



Mark was a member of Hunts Grove Parish Council from its creation in 2021 to 2024, serving as our first Chairman and then as Vice Chair. Mark previously founded the Hunts Grove Residents Association.

Gill Oxley

District Councillor

Elected: Thursday, May 2, 2024

First Elected: Friday, May 6, 2016

Party: Conservatives

Ward: Hardwicke



Demelza Turner-Wilkes

District Councillor

First Elected: Thursday, May 2, 2024

Party: Conservatives

Ward: Hardwicke




Demelza also serves on Hunts Grove Parish Council.

Gloucestershire County Council

Stephen Davies

County Councillor

Elected: Thursday, May 6, 2021

First Elected: Monday, May 8, 2017

Party: Conservatives

Ward: Stroud: Hardwicke & Severn



Member of Parliament

NB: Parliament has been dissolved ahead of the General Election on 4 July, and there are currently no MPs. Hunts Grove was part of the Stroud constituency for which Siobhan Baillie was the MP. Her office is operating during this period but the team are only allowed to handle urgent correspondence and casework.

Hunts Grove is now in the North Cotswolds constituency and we will update this page with information about our new MP after the election. We have retained the information below in case residents have urgent correspondence and casework they need to raise.

Siobhan Baillie


Elected: Thursday, December 12, 2019

First Elected: Thursday, December 12, 2019

Party: Conservatives

Constituency: Stroud



House of Commons

Tel: 020 7219 3000


Contact the former Member at their constituency address.

3 King Street

Tel: 01453 759748







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