Highways Works

* Link to current consultations (TROs)

February 2023: Consultation for 50mph Speed Limit on A38/B4008

Gloucestershire County Council as the local highways authority is advertising its consultation to change speed limits on sections of the A38 / B4008 / A430 that surround Crosskeys Roundabout and J12 of the M5.

Click the link at the top of this page for the consultation website at Gloucestershire County Council, and you will find current consultations under the "Gloucester" heading.

Alternatively, here are the key documents (PDF):


February 2023: Consultation for proposed parking restrictions for Marconi Drive, Davy Way, and Stephenson Drive at Waterwells Business Park

Gloucestershire County Council are introducing area wide waiting restriction changes in Gloucester & Hardwicke.  The formal public consultation period has now finished and objections are being considered.

The Council was also approached by local businesses in both Quedgeley and Hardwicke regarding the unsatisfactory on-street parking situations on various roads in the Waterwells area. This area is composed mainly of commercial premises and there have been concerns about accessibility, particularly by articulated vehicles, to these businesses being compromised by inconsiderate parking. Some of this parking is very close to roundabouts and junctions so can also have a negative impact on visibility and therefore safety.

The proposals for the other streets in Quedgeley are designed to address safety and visibility concerns in narrow, residential streets which would supplement Rule 243 of the Highway Code.

Click the link at the top of this page for the consultation website at Gloucestershire County Council, and you will find current consultations under the "Gloucester" heading.

Alternatively, here are the key documents (PDF):


24 - 26 February 2022: Overnight Closures, Crosskeys Roundabout to Motorway

Bath Road, Hardwicke

This road will be closed from its junction with A38 (Crosskeys Roundabout) to M5 Junction 12 Northbound entry slip road, southbound direction only. The closure will be in place from 24th February 2022 to 26th February 2022, between the hours of 20.00hrs and 06.00hrs each night. This is to allow for works on behalf of National Highways.

Pedestrian and emergency access will be maintained.

Download Plans



8 February - 3 July 2022: M5 Barrier Replacement Works

M5 J9 to J12 safety barrier replacement – phase 2 8 February to 3 July 2022 – overnight works

National Highways operates, maintains, and improves England’s motorways and major A roads.

We’re writing to keep you updated on phase 2 of our safety barrier replacement scheme, taking place on the M5 junctions 9 to 12.

For the safety of our workforce, we’ll continue to work overnight Sunday to Thursday when traffic flows are at their lowest (8 pm to 6 am). Where possible we’ll complete the noisiest works before 11 pm.

Work will be carried out in rolling phases under hard shoulder and lane 1 closures. Some slip road closures may also be necessary, and if so, locally signed diversions will be in place. The carriageway and slip roads will be open as usual during the day.

M5 overnight lane closures will be in place Sunday to Thursday between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am:

  • J11 to J12 northbound - 8 to 16 February

  • J11 to J12 southbound - 20 February to 5 May

  • J9 to J10 southbound - 6 May to 13 June

  • J10 to J11 southbound - 14 June to 3 July

    Please accept our apologies in advance for any disruption which may be caused. We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however, unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes. Please monitor www.trafficengland.com to keep updated.

    If you would like further information about this work, please contact National Highways Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 open 24/7, who will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate person, or email: info@highwaysengland.co.uk

    For information on all our works in the South West please follow us on Twitter @HighwaysSWEST or visit https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our- work/south-west/


15 August 2021 - 30 September 2022:  Construction of New Hunts Grove Junction

Specific details of the closures and restrictions are detailed in the notice below:

The reason for the closures and restrictions is for the construction of the Junction on the A38 North and Southbound at B4008 Bristol Road.

The roads are expected to be closed and restricted on a rolling programme commencing 15th August 2021, where the presence of approved signage will indicate whether the closure and restriction is in force.

Further advance warnings of dates/times will be displayed on site prior to the closure and restrictions taking effect. This order can permit the closure and restriction of the roads in any order, or simultaneously as required and it is anticipated all works will be completed by 30th September 2022. For further information, please contact Gloucestershire Highways on 08000 514 514 or visit www.gloucestershire.gov.uk

Alternative Route – As signed on site.

Emergency and pedestrian access to premises on or next to the road will not be maintained due to the reconstruction of the carriageway and the footways.


In this section

Traffic Regulation Orders

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