Groceries and Shops

There are not yet any shops in Hunts Grove but there are options nearby.


The closest options are Lidl and Asda, both on Newhaven Road alongside the A38, just a few minutes drive from the entrance to Hunts Grove. There is also a B&M on the same stretch of road.

Only slightly further away are Tesco and Aldi, both in Quedgeley. Sainsburys at Gloucester Quays is 15 minutes away and there is a good size Coop in Stonehouse and a Tesco and a Waitrose in Stroud. 

Convenience stores

You can choose between M&S at the BP petrol station on the Cross Keys roundabout (where McDonalds and Costa are), or Tesco Express stores at the neighbourhood centre in Kingsway or across the A38 bridge in Hardwicke. For something different, there is also a small food hall (including Waitrose goods) at the Dobbies Garden Centre near the M5 junction.

Other options

Stroud Farmers Market is held in the centre of the town every Saturday 9 am - 2 pm.

There are a few farm shops within fairly easy reach of Hunts Grove including Pound Farm Shop (approx 10 mins), Eastington Farm Shop (approx 15 mins) and Portway Farm Shop (approx 17 mins).

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