
Interactive Bee-Squared Map - to add your Bee-Square to this map, please send us your address via our Contact Us page

Bee-Squared is an initiative we heard about from a parish council in Surrey. Participating households plant a 1 metre square of wildflowers in their gardens to encourage bee and other pollinators. You only need 5 grams of wildflower seeds to cover the 1 metre patch. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife.

The public open spaces at Hunts Grove will incorporate wildflower areas but we'd love to hear your plans for creating a wildlife patch, or planting a Bee-Square, in your gardens.

Crest Nicholson have kindly donated a 1kg of wildflower seeds to the Parish Council so we will be giving out some free wildflower seed packets at the Easter Community Fun Day, or you can try these online places for free seeds: 

Apply for a seed kit | Grow Wild | Kew

Free wild flower seeds | UK | Just Bee Honey (free seeds but postage costs 99p)

Instructions for your Bee Square seeds 

  1. Simply clear a square metre spare patch of your garden or put some garden soil in a pot or two (old compost is best).
  2. Sprinkle the seeds evenly by mid-end May, and fork over lightly.
  3. Water them and keep them moist if there is no rain.
  4. Let us know so that we can map where all the Bee Squares are in the parish.
  5. Print and colour in the picture below and display in your front window to let people know you are taking part.


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