Hunts Grove is getting off to a great start for 2023 thanks to funding support from our County Councillor Stephen Davies.
At the December Parish Council meeting, councillors reviewed the community events held in 2022 and how we would like to plan further events for Hunts Grove residents in 2023. County Councillor Stephen Davies backed the ideas with an offer of £500 towards the cost from the Gloucestershire County Council “Build Back Better” fund.
Councillors were delighted to receive this support for the village and look forward to delivering events for 2023. Our 2022 events included a family fun day and music festival for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and Santa’s Grotto at the Christmas Fayre.

In addition to the many hundreds of visitors in 2022, the events also brought together local organisers, participants and groups such as the school PTA to make them the great success they were.
The Gloucestershire “Build Back Better” fund supports a broad range of initiatives from climate change, highways, children’s services, adult social care and helping local communities thrive.

As a brand new village and growing community, the Parish Council considers that events are essential to bringing residents together and building a cohesive, happy Hunts Grove.

If you have ideas for events in 2023 at Hunts Grove, would like to volunteer or find out more, just drop us a line via our contact us page.